
Apigenin is a phyto-chemical compound that is commonly recognized as a bioactive flavonoid (or flavones) and possesses all the essential characteristics and natural goodness of the flavonoid group. Its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-stress properties have been scientifically proven.
It occurs naturally in a variety of fruits, vegetables, spices and herbs and is abundantly found in chamomile, which is the prime source for its extraction.
Other plant sources that contain it include apples, oranges, celery, onions, oregano, parsley, tarragon, basil, cilantro, and wheat sprouts. Endives, cloves, alcoholic beverages and bacopa monnieri too contain high proportions of apigenin.
The core characteristic of apigenin is its incredible power to fight back the effects of carcinogens and prevent and eliminate a variety of cancers from the human body.
Read on for insight on the efficacy of apigenin against the active carcinogens operating inside the human body.
Health benefits
Chemically known as 4’, 5, 7, -trihydroxyflavone, biapigenin, apigenin has been proven as an all-round compound against multiple types of cancers and tumors flourishing inside the human body.
Its molecules are extremely sensitive to decipher healthy cells from carcinogenic cells and hold a high safety threshold that minimizes any resultant risks and threats uninvolved.
It locates the growth and progression of carcinogenic cellular lines and induces and timely apoptosis so as to resist the tumor from branching out into other organs and organ systems. It helps the body combat following cancer variants effectively.
Studies conducted on mice suggest that it obstructs cancer cell advancement in prostate gland, suppressing the activity of metastasis and angiogenesis. It, when complemented with the potential and effectiveness of other flavonoids like luteolin acts as an excellent resistor against the synthesis of fatty acids that are the major cause of prostate cancer.
However the individual efficacy of apigenin against prostate cancer is yet to be disclosed through researches and experiments.